Help > User Interface > Preferences > Preferences – Motion Projects
Preferences – Motion Projects

This page has the preference settings specific to motion or time-based projects. See the Time-based Measurement / Motion Projects section for more details on these types of projects. Motion features and tools are only available in PhotoModeler Premium.



Decimal places used for export

Number of decimal places to put after numbers exported in the Epoch Report.

Memory Cache

Settings that control how the cache handles images and project data. If you have a lot of RAM in your computer and are dealing with motion projects with many epochs upping these values might help performance.

Tracker’s Matching Criteria Between Epochs

Acceptable target contrast change

When matching a target in the current epoch to a target in the previous epoch, the two targets must have similar contrast defined by this range. For example setting these numbers to 0.5 and 2.0 would mean that the new target matches if its contrast is between half and twice that of the previous epoch target.

Acceptable target radius size change

Similar matching constraint as above but for the radius of the target.

Minimum Edge Slope/Contrast Ratio

A threshold for whether to accept a target as valid during tracking. It is a measure of the ratio between the edge slope and contrast (this is a measure of target edge sharpness).