Help > User Interface > Preferences > Preferences – Aerial/UAV
Preferences – Aerial/UAV

This page has the preference specific to the Aerial photo based DSM projects. See the Unmanned Aerial Projects section for more details on these types of projects. Aerial/UAV features and tools are only available in PhotoModeler Premium.





Include base triangles with volume export

When defining a volume (see Define Volume Mode), the base plane is defined, over which the triangulated Mesh volume is calculated. When this setting is checked, that base plane is included during export.

Show location of volume boundary points in alert popup

While marking the points that define the base plane of a volume in Define Volume Mode, the points’ 3d coordinates are shown on an alert popup at bottom right of the application window. This helps verify the position of these points and can be used to confirm that they lie at the expected elevation at the base of the volume/shape.


Major and Minor contours

Major and minor contours can be defined when Setting Meshing Steps. These settings control the thickness and style of displayed contours.


Prompt to disable Camera Station Control when marking GCPs

When adding Ground Control Points (GCPs), the points may conflict with Camera Station approximate positions, so it is usually best to disable the Camera Station control.  See also Define Geographic Coordinate System Dialog

Use EXIF GPS to set up coordinate system in new projects

Enable this to use EXIF GPS for a geo-coordinate system.   See Define Geographic Coordinate System Dialog.