Help > Building a 3D Model > Referencing Tools > Referencing Marks > Quick Reference
Quick Reference

The "Quick Reference" tool allows you to quickly reference any number of same type of item on photographs (marks or projections), in tables, or in the 3D Viewer.

To use this tool, you select the items that represent the same object on any open photographs, tables or 3D Viewers, and then click the Quick Reference tool on the ribbon toolbar’s Create Tab, or by pressing the SHIFT-Q key). If your selection contains items all of the same type, and satisfies the requirements for referencing (e.g. selection does not contain two or more items marked on the same photograph, etc.) then the items will be referenced.

Note: Although you cannot Quick Reference two 2D items marked on the same photograph, you can select and Quick Reference a marked item and a 3D (projected) item on the same photo as long as that projected item does not already have an associated 2D mark on the photo. Using 3D items allows you to do single photo referencing! The item must have had its 3D position solved already for the 3D item to appear though (and that 3D item visibility has to be on).

If the Quick Reference succeeds, the selected items are all referenced together and are unselected.

If Quick Reference fails, a warning message will appear displaying the reason for failure and the items will remain selected.

Note: When properties (such as Material and Layer) of the objects being referenced differ, the property of the item with the most references will take precedence (e.g. if the layer of one Curve is different from the layer of the other Curve(s) being referenced, the layer of the Curve with the most associated Curve Marks becomes the final Curve's layer).