Help > Building a 3D Model > Shapes Modeling > Processing Shapes > Shape Optimization Dialog
Shape Optimization Dialog

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The Shape Optimization Dialog appears when the Processing tool is pressed on the main toolbar and the project is a Shapes-based project.

This dialog is used when processing is not automatic (the ‘processing man’ symbol in the Status Bars is ‘standing’ instead of ‘running’).  This would be typical of when then shape processing is taking longer than a few seconds.

The dialog indicates how many shapes of the total number of shapes in the project will be processed.  If this value is not what you expect some of the shapes may not have enough marks or the shape may have its ‘do not process’ property turned on.

To run the shape optimization algorithm press the Optimize button.  The total error in the shape fitting will be displayed during each iteration of the optimization. This error value should be decreasing and then level out for a good solution.