Help > Building a 3D Model > Shapes Modeling > Shape Relations
Shape Relations

Every shape will have one or more relations. These relations define how the shape is ‘related’ to the other shapes, to the world coordinate system or to 3D points. Relations control the size, shape, position and orientation. This table lists all the relations types and what parts of the shape they use:


Shape Relation Type


Listed in Shape Explorer As



Based On Entities





is placed at origin

One shape

The shape sits at 0,0,0 and is aligned with the coordinate axes.


lies on ground

One shape face

The shape face sits on the ground plane.


shares same plane as

Two shape faces

One shape face is in the same plane as the other face.


is concentric with

Two shape faces

The centers of the faces are the same. (requires a coplanar)

Aligned Face

is aligned with

Two shape faces

The two faces have the same rotation. (requires a coplanar)

Same Size Face

is the same size as

Two shape faces

The two faces have the same dimensions. (requires a coplanar)

Colinear Edge

is colinear with

Two shape edges

The two shape edges are colinear (both edges lie on the same infinite 3D line)

Same Shape Rotation

is the same rotation as

Two shapes

The two shapes have the same Rx,Ry,Rz rotation.

Same Size Shape

is the same size as

Two shapes

The two shapes have the same sizes. Shapes must have matching parameters.

Parameter Equals

is equal to

Two shape parameters, or a shape parameter and a constant

The two parameters are made equal or the parameter is made equal to a constant.

Points Base

is aligned by 3D points

Shape vertices and 3D points

The shape is solved so that the tied vertices line up with the 3D points as best as possible.