Help > Building a 3D Model > Selection and Visibility > Visibility and Selection Control > Visibility Settings > Points Photo Visibility > Target Areas Photo Visibility
Target Areas Photo Visibility

When sub-pixel targets are manually marked, the ‘target area’ is displayed as a red boundary around a target. It shows what bounding area was used in the target marking algorithm and provides feedback on the likelihood of an accurate mark. Unless the Target Areas checkbox is checked this boundary will disappear when the display is updated. You can control whether the target area is shown at all times for all sub-pixel marks (including automatically marked targets) by checking this checkbox.  See also Sub-pixel Target Marking.

Note: Target Areas are not displayed on a photo when that photo is set to ‘Do Not Use in Processing’ or when that photo is not oriented. 

Note: Target Areas are deleted when a project is idealized due to the changes in image pixel data.