Help > Working with Measurement Projects > Creating a New Project > New Project Wizard > Project Wizard: Camera Source > Unknown/Uncalibrated Cameras
Unknown/Uncalibrated Cameras

The unknown/uncalibrated camera source options vary depending on the type of project:

        SmartMatch / DSM projects – an uncalibrated camera will be ‘auto-calibrated’ during processing. No ‘Inverse Camera’ options available for these types of projects.

        Automated Target projects – an uncalibrated camera will beĀ  ‘auto-calibrated’ during processing (the option is unchecked and disabled for projects with more than one camera assigned to the photos, e.g. when photos are taken by different cameras or cameras use different settings), or the camera will be solved as an Inverse Camera, see below.

        Manually Marked projects – an uncalibrated camera will approximate based on the camera settings stored in the EXIF header, or the camera will be solved as an Inverse Camera, see below.