Help > Working with Measurement Projects > Creating a New Project > New Project Wizard > Project Wizard: Camera Source > Unknown/Uncalibrated Cameras > Unknown Camera ‘Solved By’ (Inverse Camera)
Unknown Camera ‘Solved By’ (Inverse Camera)

If the camera that took the photos is from an unknown source, that is, a camera that has not been calibrated and/or used in a PhotoModeler project before and there is no EXIF image data, select or the “An unknown camera, whose parameters will be solved by:” radio button, which enables 4 other options when selected:

        Control Points/Imports [need 5 or more control points] – Select this option when you intend to use control points or imports to solve the camera and for orientation. See Control Imports  for more information on this type of project. This option is only available if the ‘Points-based’ project was selected on the Getting Started Panel.

        Shapes [predefined shapes such as boxes, wedges, pyramids, etc.] – Select this option when you intend to use Shapes in your project. This option is only available if the ‘Shapes-based’ project was selected on the Getting Started Panel.

        Constraints [need 3 or more parallel and perpendicular lines in perspective] – Select this option if your photo(s) have strong perspective and show features that define ‘axes’ constraints. See Using Constraints for more information. This option is only available if the ‘Points-based’ project was selected on the Getting Started Panel.

        Approximation [fixed default settings] – Select this option if it is a film camera or if you know nothing about the camera, have no information about the scene in the form of control points or imports, or your photos aren’t suitable for shape or constraint use. The next pane, Project Wizard: Camera Type, will ask for more information about the camera.