Help > Working with Measurement Projects > Creating a New Project > New Project Wizard > Project Wizard: Camera Source
Project Wizard: Camera Source

This and subsequent panes guide you through setting up a camera for use with PhotoModeler. 

The term "camera" is used to refer to all the equipment used to turn a real-world view into a digital image.  In the case of a digital camera that will be the only device used, in the case of a film camera setup this also includes adjustments for the scanner.  If any changes are made to the equipment a new camera must be setup to reflect these changes (e.g. If you change a cameras lens, or zoom or crop your images differently when you scan prints).

Do note that if your photos have sufficient EXIF information, and if you have the camera(s) that took the photos stored in your Camera Library, PhotoModeler will automatically match and assign the appropriate camera to your photos (see Camera Matching and Camera Library), so this pane will not appear.

There are two main distinctions when assigning the camera to the photos in your project:  If the camera that took the photos is a known camera (see Known Cameras), i.e. the camera was calibrated, and/or used in different project; or the camera is an unknown cameras (see Unknown/Uncalibrated Cameras), i.e. the photos are from an uncalibrated and unknown camera. Using a known camera is almost always preferred, especially when the camera has been previously calibrated in PhotoModeler.

Once you have selected the camera source requested by this pane press the Next> button to advance to the next wizard screen.  The Next> button will enable once you have made a valid selection.