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What Referencing Means for Lines

        When two Marked Points are referenced they represent two different views of the same Object Point in space.

        Lines are created by connecting two or more Object Points.

When the two end points of a line on the Source Photograph are referenced to two points on the Destination Photograph, the line that connects them is drawn on the Destination Photograph. This line appears on the Destination Photograph, because its end points on the Destination Photograph are referenced to end points on the Source Photograph. There is just one line, but it is visible in two places.

In addition, Lines marked on the Destination Photograph become visible on the Source Photograph, when appropriate referencing is done.

If two Lines are marked, one on the Source Photograph and one on the Destination Photograph, and if the end points of these Lines are referenced to each other, PhotoModeler will replace these two Lines with one Line. This Line will still be visible on both photographs.