Help > Building a 3D Model > Referencing Tools > Correcting Referencing Errors
Correcting Referencing Errors

If two Marked Points are referenced to each other, but they do not mark the same physical feature on the object, they will not generate a correct 3D point. Similarly for Edges, Curves, Bent Tubes, Cylinders and Silhouettes.

To correct a referencing error:

        Select the mark that is incorrectly referenced. 

        Select "Unreference Selected" from the expand menu on the ribbon toolbar Create Tab‘s Referencing group’s expand menu. 

PhotoModeler will remove all references from this mark to any other marks.  You may need to do this in more than one photograph to completely unreference any particular object.


        In select mode, right-click on a mark in a photograph. You can also do this on the source photo while in reference mode.

The right click menu will appear.

        Select the "Unreference Selected" menu item.

PhotoModeler will remove all references from this mark to any other marks.  You may need to do this in more than one photograph to completely unreference any particular object.

To examine the references that exist between points, use the Point Audit feature. Select "Point Audit Selected..." or "Point Audit All..." from the ribbon toolbar’s Review Tab (Information group).

See also Point Audit and Referencing Tools.