Help > Building a 3D Model > The Objects That Make Up A Model > 3D Object Points
3D Object Points

Object Points are one of the most important items in PhotoModeler. Most projects will contain Object Points.  An Object Point is a 3D location (X,Y,Z).

Object Points are central to camera station orientation and overall processing.  The only type of project that may not have any Object Points  is a single photo constrained project using Edges.

Object Points are created by placing Marked Points on Photographs. These Marked Points are then referenced together (in a multi-photo points-based project) to define the 3D location of the Object Point.

There are three classes of Object Point:

        Normal Object Point: created during marking. Referred to as "Object Point" and sometimes "3D Point" in the User Manual.

        Surface Draw Point: created during Surface Drawing for obtaining a 3D location in a single photograph by placing it on a 3D surface.

        Control Point: imported and marked through the Imports and Coordinate Systems Pane. A user defined XYZ location that aids in orientation, scaling, and improving accuracy.