Help > Working with Imports and Coordinate Systems > Importing and Setting Up Coordinate Systems > Imports and Coordinate Systems Pane > Setting Geographic Multi-point Transform > Define Geographic Coordinate System Dialog
Define Geographic Coordinate System Dialog

The Define Geographic Coordinate System Dialog is accessed from the Imports and Coordinate Systems Pane toolbar.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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This dialog box comes up when importing geographic data (i.e. on input) and when setting the geographic coordinate system in an existing project (i.e. on output).  The top line of text will indicate the purpose when it displays.  For example, when importing a file containing geographic data the ‘input’ coordinate system of the imported data must be set as PhotoModeler cannot know whether the data is in lat/long or utm etc.  Once the project has been set up and geographic data has been assigned, the ‘output’ project geographic units can be set, using the Set Geographic Coordinate System tool on the Imports and Coordinate Systems Pane toolbar.

When using a geographic multi-point transform (see Setting Geographic Multi-point Transform) or geographical control (see Control Imports) the geographic projection and datum must be set.  PhotoModeler Premium supports four types of geographic systems: Latitude and longitude, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) State Plane coordinate systems (SPCS), and EPSG. 

        If UTM or SPCS is selected as the projection, a zone must also be chosen.  See also Unmanned Aerial Projects.

        If “From EPSG code” is selected, a EPSG code must also be chosen (EPSG codes can be found or Once a code is entered a button appears to display the name of the EPSG code (or to indicate that the code is not supported).

        If “From text” is selected as the Projection, select the text file format, the units and paste the appropriate text in the text field that appears below the Units control. Information on various advanced geocoordinate systems can be found here:

In the Datum section you choose the horizontal and vertical datum reference.

The system most people are familiar with is Geographical – Lat/Lon using datum WGS84. This is the system used by the GPS satellite system and is typically what is stored in UAV EXIF GPS headers.

When exporting a model to the .kmz or .kml format the coordinate system defined here will place the exported model in the appropriate coordinate system for use with Google Earth.

The units drop down selector allows you to set the overall project units. When using a Geographical coordinate system (lat/long), these units apply only to the altitude/elevation. For other coordinate systems, these units apply to the X/Y/Z or Northing/Easting/Height coordinates.