Help > Working with Imports and Coordinate Systems > Importing and Setting Up Coordinate Systems > Imports and Coordinate Systems Pane > Setting Geographic Multi-point Transform
Setting Geographic Multi-point Transform

A Geographic Multi-point Transform works like a Multi-point Transform but its coordinates are in geographical units.  Geo-coordinates can only be used in PhotoModeler Premium (see Unmanned Aerial Projects). See the Setting Multi-point Transform section for a description of how to setup and assign points.  Use the Define Geographic Coordinate System Dialog to setup the geographical units used by the project.

You can also assign the known geographical position to a point or camera station. A camera station can be selected in the 3D Viewer or on a Photo Table using the Select Camera Station right click menu item. 

If an assigned camera station's associated image contains geographic information in its EXIF image header, the coordinates can optionally be extracted and assigned – a popup message displays giving you a choice to use the entered geographic coordinates or to use the geographic coordinates stored in the image EXIF header.

See also Using known geographic points as a Transform for information on using the EXIF GPS data directly.

A geographical coordinate system is needed to produce a World file or GeoTIFF during Orthophoto Export and when exporting to Google Earth (see 3D Model Export). In addition you might use a Geographical Multi-point Transform to put your project in a map system compatible with your GIS.