Help > Building a 3D Model > Processing Points-Based > Auditing > Reference Checker > First Stage Results
First Stage Results

The results of the first Reference Checker Stage are displayed in the Audit Summary window of the Processing Dialog. If there are no messages that look like these below then no referencing errors where found (which does not mean that there are no referencing or marking errors but just that they could not be found).

The two messages in the Audit Summary take this form:

(1) At the current Project Marking Quality of <p> pixels, these single photo mis-references were identified (point ID, photo ID): <list1> and these possible multiple photo mis-references have been identified (point ID): <list2>

(2) With the current Project Marking Quality of <p>, too many mis-references were found. No points will be removed from processing.  Perhaps processing should not be carried out until errors are fixed.

When the (1) form of message appears the <list1> will show the point ID and photo ID of possibly mis-referenced points. These are points that could be identified as being possibly mis-referenced on only one photo. These marked points are “turned off” for this next processing so they will not affect the processing accuracy. The <list2> will show the point ID of 3D object points that are turned off on all photos and not used in this next processing (these are points which may be mis-referenced on two or more photos).

When the (2) form of the message appears, too many possible mis-references have been detected. In this case, no points are turned “off”. It is probably a good idea to not process though and instead to investigate what might be wrong with the project. In some projects that are properly referenced, the Project Marking Quality has to be increased to remove this warning.