Help > Building a 3D Model > Processing Points-Based > Auditing > Reference Checker > Second Stage Results
Second Stage Results

The second stage of the Reference Checker renames, unreferences, or sets to ‘do not use’ determined to be worse than the Project Marking Quality. What action the Reference Checker takes depends on the options set in the Processing Dialog. This second stage does not run if the first stage did not find any problems or the first stage did not run for some other reason.

When the second stage of the Reference Checker runs, there should be no points remaining in the project with a Marking Residual over the Project Marking Quality.

The results of the second stage are displayed in the Project Status Report and the message looks like this:

“Problem: Points were automatically unreferenced/renamed/set to ‘do not use’ after processing because they had residuals larger than the current Project Marking Quality of <p> pixels. <list of points>

Suggestion: High point marking residuals are a result of mis-marking or inaccurate marking, mis-referencing and/or poor camera orientation. Review problem points and remark and/or re-reference where required. “

If problem points had been unreferenced in this stage you may consider reprocessing the project for maximum accuracy and to see if any other points are identified by the Reference Checker.


Note: For regular multi-photo projects with a calibrated camera the default marking quality is 5.0  and the default action on finding a reference error is to rename the offending point.  High accuracy projects (i.e. projects with most points marked using the sub-pixel target marker and Automatic Coded Target projects) use a default setting of 1.0.  Other projects that are likely to be less accurate have a default setting of -1 which disables the feature (such as Inverse Camera projects).

While you can change the settings for a project manually on the Project Information Dialog, you can change default settings by adjusting these ini settings:

RefCheckActionDefault= ( 0-do not run ref check, 1-unreference, 2-set to do not use in processing, 3-rename)
RefCheckRenameDefault=The name to use for re-name