Help > Building a 3D Model > Processing Points-Based > Auditing > Fixing Audit Problems
Fixing Audit Problems

The following table outlines what steps can be taken to improve a certain Audit category. Taking the actions on the right should improve the numbers in the category and therefore make the processing successful or improve the 3D model. See the sections above for more detail on what the individual categories mean.

Note: if many of the Audit numbers show "0" or "n/a" perhaps many of the photographs are "unused". Photographs can be "unused" when there are too few points marked or when the Marked Points cover only a small portion of the photograph.


To Improve

Do This

Total Points


Mark more points and reference them.


Total Photographs


Add more photographs. Refer to the section of the Quick Start Guide called Guide For Taking Photos for more detail.


Points Per Photo


Add more points to any photograph that has few points.


Photo Coverage


Add points to photographs ensuring that they cover as much of the photograph as possible. Even if you do not require the points, PhotoModeler might. Try to get as best coverage of all photos as possible.


Rays Per Point


Make sure all or most points are marked and referenced on three or more photographs.


Angle Intersection

Make sure the photographs are taken with good angles.  Also make sure that the Camera Station positions and angles match the photographs.


Ray Tightness


Make sure that the Camera Station orientations are good.


Points on one Photo only


Decrease the number of points marked on only one photograph. See Point Audit Dialog for a means to identify single unreferenced points.


Points on two Photos only


Decrease the number of points marked on only two photographs. See Point Audit Dialog for a means to identify these points.


Photos - Unused

Mark more points on the photos and ensure they cover a large percent of the photo. Also check to see if the Photograph has an assigned and oriented Camera Station.


Points - Unused

See above for improving Rays Per Point, Angle Intersection, Ray Tightness.