Help > Building a 3D Model > Referencing Tools > Point Audit > Point Audit Dialog
Point Audit Dialog

Graphical user interface, application

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The Point Audit Dialog displays information about one 3D point. To view information about the next point, press the "Next" button. To view information about the previous point press the "Prev." button.

The order in which points are presented by the Point Audit Dialog is controlled by the sorting option.  The order can be ascending or descending by the Point ID, the number of photograph references, the point tightness and the point angle maximum.

To sort the points in Point Audit:

        Press the "Sort>>" button to expand the Point Audit Dialog.

The dialog will expand to show the sorting options

        Select the type of sort and the sort direction in the two radio button group boxes on the right of the dialog.

        Press the "Start" button.

The points will be resorted and the first one will appear on the left.

Point information is presented in two ways. First the current point is highlighted on each photograph it has been marked on. In addition, the Point Audit Dialog displays numeric information about the highlighted point.

The first line, "Appears on N photographs", refers to the number of photographs this point appears on. A point appears on one photograph when it is marked. When it is referenced to another point this point will now appear on two photographs. PhotoModeler achieves best results with points that appear on three or more photographs, but it can also use points that appear on two photographs. Points that appear on only one photograph will not appear in the 3D model.

The second line, "on photographs numbered: N,M,P...", refers to the photo numbers of the photographs that this point appears on. These numbers can be used to locate this point on the visible photographs.

The fourth line: "Point Tightness: N %", refers to the precision with which this point has been marked on all photographs and the precision with which the Camera Stations for these photographs have been oriented. Low numbers are better here. A value of "n/a" means the point has no 3D position and hence no tightness.

The third line: "Angle Maximum: N degrees", refers to the maximum  angle between light rays that image this point on each of the photographs this point appears on. In general, the closer this number is to 90 degrees the more accurately the location of this point can be determined. Better angle maximums are obtained by taking your photographs from widely separated positions.  A value of "n/a" means the point has no 3D position and hence no angle maximum. Points with very low angles (see Audit section of Preferences - Processing and Cameras) may not compute in 3D.

The fifth line: "Point ID N", shows the unique identification number that each 3D model point has.  This ID is the same number shown on the Status Bars when a point is selected, and same as the ID written out by Export.

The sixth line: "Point N of M points", is used to let you keep track of how far along you are in your Point Audit. "M" is the total number of 3D points in the project if you used "Point Audit All" or it is the number of selected 3D points if you used "Point Audit Selected". Points that have their "do not use in processing" property set are not counted in the totals.

To use Point Audit to find problems, study how each point is highlighted on the photographs. If the highlighted points mark different physical features, then a referencing error has been made. You should unreference these points and reference them to points that mark the same features. If a point appears on just one photograph, you should mark it on the other photographs it is visible on and reference these points. See Correcting Referencing Errors for more information.

When you have found a point that needs correction and you do not want to stop and correct it now, you can tag it for future use. Tags are saved when the project is saved and can be viewed or changed at any time.

The "Next" or "Prev." buttons will become inactive (gray) when the end or beginning of the list of points being audited has been reached.