Help > Building a 3D Model > Processing Points-Based > Adjustment and Processing > Global Optimization
Global Optimization

This stage adjusts the positions and angles of the Camera Stations and the positions of the Object Points and Edges on each iteration. At the end of each iteration, PhotoModeler determines whether this set of adjustments will produce a good 3D model. If it will not, it does some more adjustments and so on until a good result is achieved. If the Camera,  Camera Station information or the marking and referencing data is poor, then Optimization can fail. Failing does not crash or stop PhotoModeler, it simply does not produce a 3D model.

The main purpose of Global Optimization is to minimize the errors found in the input data and come up with the best solution for Camera Stations and 3D Object points.

No interaction with PhotoModeler is allowed during Optimization other than pausing or terminating. The user may interact with any other Windows program but it will slow the processing down. Optimization can take some time to complete for complex projects. The user can watch the Processing Dialog to see how well the Optimization is proceeding.