Help > Building a 3D Model > Referencing Tools > Interactive Referencing
Interactive Referencing

Graphical user interface, application

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The Interactive Referencing pane (formerly Weld Unreferenced dialog) is used to find potentially unreferenced points in an interactive and guided way. This pane can be used only with a processed project and should probably be used only when there are not a lot of unprocessed points.

To use this tool, process the project successfully and start Interactive Referencing. The buttons on the top row step through the candidate points and their photos, and highlight/flag the points on the photos. The points are flagged with ‘SP’ and ‘DP’ (Source Point and Destination Point respectively) corresponding to the listed points on the pane. The point candidates are described with their IDs and the number of photos they are currently referenced on.

Step through all the candidates provided but paying attention especially to the first few. If the points that are highlighted on the photographs should be referenced, press the "Same" button; if the points are not correct references click “Not Same” – the next candidate points will then be highlighted.

When Interactive Referencing starts, it will first do a search through all potential candidate referenced point pairs. If there are no points that are suitable candidates (i.e. point marks within 10 pixels of a projected 3D point), Candidate Reference will show: “None” within the threshold distance. Note that this threshold can be adjusted on Preferences - Marking and Referencing pane’s “Interactive reference search distance (pixels)” setting.

If the tool finds some candidate pairs it will present each pair in turn; sorted by best candidate for referencing first and worst candidate last. The buttons step you though the pairs of points, one by one. 

The “Potential Residual” indicates how good a weld pair this is.  The lower the pixel distance is, the greater chance these points should be referenced. Even so with low pixel distances you should always check on the photographs to make sure before pressing the “Same” button.

With this pane open, you can adjust the zoom and pan the photographs to take a closer look at a candidate pair before deciding if they should be referenced.