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Preferences - Marking and Referencing



Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated



Auto-focus window during referencing

If checked, the photo is automatically activated when the mouse moves over it  while in referencing mode.

Referencing Auto-Drive is on when the application starts

If checked, the referencing auto-drive-to-point option is on for the first referencing.

Referencing Auto-Photo-Advance is on when application starts

If checked, the referencing auto-advance-to-next-photo option is on for the first referencing.

Include coded points when automatic referencing

If checked, coded points will be included when auto-referencing sub-pixel non-coded target points.

Delay before auto driving (milliseconds, 10 - 1500)

Controls how long a delay there is before referencing auto-drive takes place.

Interactive Referencing search distance (pixels)

Controls what distance is considered to be a valid matching point on a photo for weld.

Default auto-reference residual threshold (pixels)

The residual threshold used during auto-referencing. Potential references with a residual calculation less than this value will be accepted as a good referenced point.

Potential reference highlight threshold (pixels)

Controls the distance from the epipolar line that a candidate item for referencing will be highlighted during manual referencing.

Max number of Reference helper lines (-1 for all)

Controls the number of helper/epipolar lines that will appear while referencing. Select -1 (for all), 0 or 1.

Point Auto-detect (see Point Auto-detect Mode)

Window Size

The size of the square window (pixels) used to traverse the epipolar line in potential images while detecting matching features.

Max. Photos

The maximum number of best photos on which matching features will be detected.  Too high a number may cause processing delays without significant benefit.

Min. Photos

The minimum number of photos on which matching features will be detected. Too low a number may result in lower reliability points.

Min Correlation

The minimum correlation factor to deem a match valid.  Decrease this value for more strict feature matching.

Max Residual

The points’ residual value is calculated as soon as a match is found. If the potential match’s residual is higher than this value, the match will not be marked.  Decrease this value for more strict feature matching.


Target Marking:

Graphical user interface, application, Word

Description automatically generated




Automarking Automatic Segmentation Settings

Edge Filter Sigma

 The edge detector used in the automatic   mode of the Auto-marker uses this Gaussian shaping factor to filter and detect. The larger the value the less noise prone the detector is but the less it is able to detect some of the sharp edges in coded targets (if they are used).

Use Fast Automatic Segmentation

 This setting controls whether a faster segmentation method is used during automatic target marking. This can speed up the first stage of target automatic marking dramatically when targets are high contrast (such as with retro-reflective targets).

Edge Strength High Threshold

 The threshold used to determine what is a valid edge pixel (relative to the strongest edge in the image). The higher this value the less noise that is picked up but the less robust the detector becomes to variations of contrast across the image.

Edge Strength Low Threshold Ratio

 The threshold used to determine what is a valid edge pixel (relative to the high edge strength threshold above). This is the low threshold for a hysteresis decision function during edge following.

Whole image automatic marking

Whole image automatic marking

 These two settings control what area of an image is used during automatic marking (see the Automatic Target Marking Dialog and Camera Calibration). For example a 1% border on a 3000x2000 image means that no targets will be marked within 20 pixels of all four edges of the image.  There is greater chance that targets marked very close to the image edges will have lower accuracy and so these settings allow you to control how much is ignored.

Manual sub-pixel marking

Sub-pixel method threshold size (pixels)

 Controls which sub-pixel target algorithm is used during manual sub-pixel point mode. If the width or height of the drawn rectangular region is greater than this value then the Centroid method (faster/less accurate) is used, otherwise the LSM method (more accurate) is used.

Single click region size

Controls the size of region surrounding the single click location for detection of a high contrast target during single click sub pixel target marking. Increase the size of region to detect very large dot targets or coded targets.


Image channel/type

The image ‘channel’ to use when sub-pixel or automatic target marking. Marking in just one channel may improve marking precision because there will be less negative effects of chromatic aberration of the lens. Most digital cameras have more green sensors than red or blue and this is why the green channel is the default.

Default target color

When sub-pixel marking or automatic marking, PhotoModeler can detect whether targets are black on white or white on black. However, if you consistently use a certain type of target, you might want to switch to the applicable setting, which can improve marking speed.

Coded Targets:




Default Target Set

Target Set

Determines the default set of targets used when setting up a project. 0 - RAD Targets, 1 – Ringed dots, 2 – plain dots, 3 – 8bit, 4 – 10bit, 5 – 12bit, 6 – user set.

User Set Parameters

Start of code band ratio

If set #6 is chosen as the target set, the user can enter in the code ring start band ratio.

End of code band ratio

If set #6 is chosen as the target set, the user can enter in the code ring end band ratio.

Number of code bits

If set #6 is chosen as the target set, the user can enter in the number of bits in the code.

Print Settings

Font scale

Controls the size of the ID next to the targets when printing coded targets. See Create Coded Targets Dialog.

Color of lines dividing targets

Controls the color of dividing lines between targets when printing targets.

Include ID numbers for coded targets

Includes the ID of the target to the lower left when printing

Include ID numbers for non -coded targets

Includes an ID to the lower left of the target, which though it may not correspond to the object point ID once marked and referenced, it can help identify a point when manually referencing the target.

Show legacy target type options on “Create Coded Targets Dialog”

Show options to print non-RAD coded targets (e.g. 8bit, 12 bit etc.). See Create Coded Targets Dialog.