The tools that appear on the sub-toolbar will depend on the type of imported object that has been selected. Although the tools are different for various types of imported objects, they behave similarly in the various modes. The general approach is to first select an imported point in the 3D or list view, then locate, assign, or mark an imported point on a photo.
One example sub-toolbar looks like this:
(here the tools are (left to right): Multi-point Select, Auto-advance to next object, Auto-drive, Highlight Selected Point, and Auto-assign by ID/Name.)
See Imports Sub-Tools for a list of these tools.
When in mark/pin mode any points in the selected imported
object that have already been marked/pinned will highlight in green on photos,
tables and in the 3D view. When a Multipoint Transform object is selected, the
Multipoint select tool provides a mode to select or mark a point
associated with the multi-point transform. The drop down reveals the assignment
and point auto-detect tools. If you have a multipoint imported object selected,
click on a photo to identify a point at the correct location for the selected
imported point. Selecting an existing point will assign that point to the
multipoint selected point. Use the Auto-detect tool to automatically mark and
reference a feature point on multiple photos (see Point
Auto-detect Mode, only available in PhotoModeler Premium).
When a Control Object is selected the Mark/Pin imports
button will activate import marking/pinning mode. The
drop down reveals the assignment, target marking and point auto-detect buttons.
If you have a control imported object selected, click on a photo to identify
the correct location (use the Locate Tool to identify the position(s) on a photo) for the selected
imported point. Selecting an existing non-control point will convert it to a
control point, clicking where no mark exists yet will create a new one. Use
the target marking tool to sub-pixel mark a target in the photo. Use the
Auto-detect tool to automatically mark and reference a feature point on
multiple photos (see Point Auto-detect Mode
and Locate Tool only available in PhotoModeler
Note: Once control points have been imported, right clicking on an imported point in the 3D Viewer will highlight it in the Imports and Coordinate Systems Pane, allowing it to be marked with next left click. Once orientation is complete and the control points can be projected onto the photo(s) (see Photo Projections and Imported Objects Photo Visibility), while in marking mode, the right click mouse button can be clicked to highlight and select the associated control point in the 3D Viewer. Then once highlighted the control point can then be quickly marked with a left click, without having to select the item in the External Geometry view. Essentially the right click selects the control item, and the left click marks the associated control point.
When Pinned object is selected, the Pin Point assignment
tool provides a
mode to select/ assign a point with the imported pinned object. If you have a
pinned imported object selected, click on an existing mark to pin the selected
imported point to the already marked point. Once a pinned imported object has
3 or more points pinned to existing 3D points its position will be calculated,
and the entire pinned imported object will be visible in 3D.
Note that you can pin an object to Surface Draw points
such that the object sits on the surface – this requires the assignment
of two imported points to two Surface Draw points. This is useful when the
number of visible pin points in the model is minimal. The imported file should
be setup so the Z axis is the upright direction. Then, when the first pin
assignment is to a Surface Point that is drawn on a plane surface, and the
second pin assignment is to another Surface Point, the import will be converted
to the pinned coordinate system using just those two points and the surface.
This is especially useful for pinning vehicle laser scans to a road scene based
on two surface draw tire marks. That is, import a laser scan of a car, and you
can pin it to the road surface with just two points. When the import is pinned
to Surface Draw points, the import icon changes to the Surface pin: .
Once a third point is assign, the pinned import is treated like a regular
pinned import point cloud:
You can also use the Assign button while in Select Mode. Select the imported point, and then the associated 3D point on a photo, table or 3D Viewer and click Assign.
See the Import Sub-Tools for specific tools you can use with pinned points.