Help > Dense Surface Modeling / PhotoModeler Premium > Creating and Modifying Dense Surface Models > Meshing Tools > Mesh Profile Mode
Mesh Profile Mode

Use the Mesh Profile tool  on the Cloud/Mesh Tools Tab is used to bisect a Mesh and draw a curve along the profile of the surface. This tool can only be used in the 3D Viewer with Triangulated Meshes.

Click and drag a straight line across a Triangulated Mesh to generate the profile curve along the surface (see red line defining the profile below):

A close-up of a plant

Description automatically generated with low confidence

The resulting profile curve (see the selected profile in red below) will follow the profile of the Triangulated Mesh and be visible in the 3D Viewer if 'contours' visibility is enabled:

A close-up of a city

Description automatically generated with low confidence

The Contour Table will also list profile curves.