After choosing the desired settings press the Export… button. A file dialog appears where you pick the file type and the file name for the exported image file. When the Save button is pressed on the file dialog the generation of the full orthophoto will start. If a high resolution scale has been chosen, and/or the model is complex this may take some time. When the file has been created and saved a message will appear on the screen.
There may be more than one file exported even though only one file name is defined in the file dialog. What can be written to disk are:
• Orthophoto of user-chosen name and extension, except when the ‘Output orthophoto as GeoTIFF’ option is chosen on the dialog – in this case the file extension will be .tif.
• If a world file is requested, this additional file will have same root file name as the orthophoto but with extension ‘.tfw’, if orthophoto is a TIFF file, or extension ‘.jpw’, if orthophoto is a JPEG.
• If a DEM is requested, XYZ files are given the same root file name as the orthophoto, but with the ‘.xyz’ extension; GeoTIFF files are given the same root file name but with the ‘.DEM.tif’ extension.
Note: The “Layers to Export” button allows you to limit the orthophoto export creation to certain layers. Clicking the button brings up a layers grid on which you can enable/disable various layers previously set up in the project. See Materials and Layers.
Also Note: There is an option to include a Scale Bar in the Orthophoto image. See Preferences - Exports and Output to enable it.