Help > Using the Model > Using your 3D Model with another program > Orthophoto Export > Export Orthophoto Dialog > Orthophoto Preview and Adjustment
Orthophoto Preview and Adjustment

Press the ‘Update preview’ button to generate and display a low resolution version of the orthophoto. This may take a few moments depending on the complexity of the model and the options chosen.

If the orientation does not seem correct, choose different options, and generate a new preview. You can generate as many previews as you need until you have the desired result.

If you press the ‘Update preview’ button and nothing happens and no preview image appears in the dialog then the incorrect options have been chosen. Possible reasons for not getting a preview or orthophoto are:

        the project has not been processed (can you see anything in the 3D Viewer?)

        the project has no surfaces or no surfaces with photo-textured materials applied (can you see photo-textured surfaces in the 3D Viewer?)

        the ‘3 points’ projection plane option is chosen but the three edit boxes do not have three valid 3D points listed

        the ‘3 points’ projection plane option is chosen but the three edit boxes contain the ID’s of three points that are colinear (all lie in a straight line).