Help > Building a 3D Model > The Objects That Make Up A Model > Outlines > Outline Defining/Modifying > Outlines and Surface Draw Photo Navigation
Outlines and Surface Draw Photo Navigation

When working with Surface Draw or Outlines on a project comprised of many plane surfaces (such as boat deck outlining), it can be hard to determine which is the next photo to draw on. This is especially true if you are drawing a long object, and you would like to find a photo to continue.

The ‘Find surface trace photos’ tool can assist with this task. This tool provides a list of possible photos that would be good to extend the current drawing task and opens the best choice.

The ‘Find surface trace photos’ tool is available on the right click menu when:

        In Select mode, and the right click was on a Surface Draw Point,

        In Select mode, an Outline is selected, and the right click was on an Outline Point,

        In Select mode, a Surface Draw or Outline Point is selected, and the right click in made elsewhere on the photo where the selection does not change, or

        In an Outline or Surface Draw drawing mode, whether currently drawing or not. Seach is based on the mouse position.

When the tool is selected, the ‘best’ photo is opened allowing you to continue the drawing, and a new Temporary Photo Set is created with the 12 best photo choices. [‘12 photos’ is a hidden ini setting.] You can continue your work on the opened photo or open one of the photos in the photo set and continue. Note that while in an Outline drawing mode and you are actively drawing an object, you can use this tool to open the next photo and remain in the drawing mode so that the drawing can continue without interruption. When done with this photo set, you can use the “Close Temp Set” button at the top of the Photo List.