Help > Using the Model > Using your 3D Model with another program > Orthophoto Export > Export Orthophoto Dialog > Output of Geographic Data
Output of Geographic Data

To include geographic data with the output, use the ‘Include geo-coordinate world file (project units)’, and/or the ‘Output orthophoto as GeoTIFF’ checkboxes.

If you will be using the orthographic image in software that supports geo-referencing the image via world file or GeoTIFF you can check the appropriate setting in the Geographic reference data section and the project’s coordinate system will be written along with the orthographic image. The world file will be a separate file (same name as project but a different file extension), while the GeoTIFF options writes to the image file's embedded header.  See also Using known geographic points as a Transform and Using known geographic control locations. Note that full geographic information is available in PhotoModeler Premium only but a GeoTIFF can be written, with the offset and scale, in all products when a geographic system is not defined.