Help > Troubleshooting > Project Review Pane > Project Status Items > Project Status: Processed control points
Project Status: Processed control points

If the Project Status Items reports a weak number of processed control points this means the number of control points that have been run through the processing routine is less than the threshold listed on the Project Review Settings Dialog.

Note that if you have processed a project but then made a change to a point, such as dragging a mark, adding a reference, etc. this point will no longer be considered ‘processed’ until processing is re-run.  For this reason the first thing to try when this warning is displayed is processing the project (see Processing Dialog).

Once all the points in the project have been processed, if this warning remains, you should add additional control points and re-process the project.  If you cannot add more control points it may mean there are insufficient control to help with the projects solution.  Consider removing the control points and use them as multipoint transform (see setting multi-point transform) instead.