Help > Working with Measurement Projects > Creating a New Project > New Project Wizard > Project Wizard: Distance Constraints
Project Wizard: Distance Constraints

This wizard screen allows you to set up one or more distance constraints for an automatic coded target project based on the coded target identifiers. Two or more distance constraints can provide more accurate scale than the single scale distance found in the Project Wizard: Scale/Rotation (Automated Coded Targets Project pane. 

Review the “Using Constraints“ and “2 points to be a given distance apart” user manual sections to learn more about distance constraints and how constraints are processed.

When the pane first opens there is one distance constraint called “Unnamed” defined. Select the name field and give it a new name.  Then in the Pt1 ID and Pt2 ID boxes enter the coded target IDs for the targets at either end of the known distance (this is often a scale bar).  In the Distance box enter the known distance between these two targets. If you will allow the distance to vary because you know the scale’s precision you can uncheck “Fixed” and enter in a known precision value.

To add a second distance constraint, press the Add button, and repeat the steps above.  When the known distances have been added, press the Next> button to continue.

Note that the numbers entered here are the code numbers for the coded targets and not the Point IDs seen on same targets after a project is done. Code numbers are printed on the coded target paper in a small font. For example, a target that might have code number 5 (“5” is shown on the printed coded target sheet), when the project is complete the point might have the ID 1005 or 2005. Coded points and non-coded points are kept distinct by placing them into their own thousands series. “5” is the number that would be entered in this dialog if that was the target of interest.