Help > Working with Measurement Projects > Saving a Project
Saving a Project

If you save your project, you will be able to work with it again the next time you use PhotoModeler. A saved project is a permanent record of the photographs, marked features and the 3D model you have created with PhotoModeler. You should save your work often.

To save a project choose "Save Project" or "Save Project As ..." from the File tab’s Save > pane, or the Save tool on the Quick Access Toolbar.

If your project has been saved at least once, PhotoModeler will save it with the same name when you select "Save Project" or the Save Project tool. If you select "Save Project As ..." PhotoModeler will always ask you to name your project.

PhotoModeler assigns the file extension "PMR" to all saved projects.

If you have previously saved your project, PhotoModeler will create a backup version copy of the previously saved file, in a “Project Backups” sub-folder of the project folder. PhotoModeler stores multiple versions of a file this way. Each time the project is saved a new version is created with a file name consisting of the loaded project with _verX appended where X is a number starting at 1.  These projects are stored in the project’s sub folder called “Project Backups”.  When you look in your directory you might see a number of these. The file without a _verX is the latest file. The file with _verX where X is the biggest number of the set is the next most recent version.

If you make a mistake or your system crashes for some reason and you wish to return to your previously saved project, just load one of the _verX.pmr files.

For example if PhotoModeler was set to save 5 versions you might see this in your directory:

crttut.pmr                                     - file you would work with as it is most recent

crttut_ver7.pmr                           - the next most recent version




crttut_ver3.pmr                           - the oldest version

If you would like PhotoModeler to save more or fewer versions you can change the value "MaximumVersions" found on the Project page of Preferences - Application Settings.

See also Creating a New Project, Opening an Existing Project, Auto-save, and Project Backup Dialog.