Help > Working with Measurement Projects > Opening an Existing Project
Opening an Existing Project

To return to a project you have saved with PhotoModeler, choose File to open the Backstage and click the Open > pane. A File Selection dialog will appear listing all the projects which have been saved in the current disk directory. You may select a project from this directory or change directories and disk drives to open any existing PhotoModeler project. Each selected project will display its description string at the bottom of the File Selection dialog.

You can also drag a project file (.pmr) from Windows explorer onto the PhotoModeler window to open it (see Drag and Drop).

PhotoModeler keeps track of the recently used projects. You can open one of these projects quickly by using the Open Recent Project menu item under the File tab’s Open > pane. The number of projects listed is controlled by a setting on the General page of Preferences - Application Settings.

See also File Description Dialog, Creating a New Project, Drag and Drop and Saving a Project.  In some cases you may see the Image Check Dialog if your images do not seem to match the camera that took them.