Help > Dense Surface Modeling / PhotoModeler Premium > Creating and Modifying Dense Surface Models > How to Create Dense Surface Models > DSM Options Dialog > Paired Photos Method > Settings Section
Settings Section

This section of the DSM Options tab provides for user control over how the DSM process works and the density of the data produced.  The most important setting is ‘Sampling rate’ - which defines how many points are produced and how dense the resulting point cloud is.  Often the default value is suitable for a first try but you will usually increase this value to get your desired results.  If this value is small, a dense point cloud will be created and the processing will take more time. 

To change a value you click on it and it will highlight. You can then edit it (type new value, move slider or pick a value from drop-down list).  The DSM settings are divided into Basic and Advanced Settings.  For most projects you will not need to change the Advanced settings but they are available for certain situations - see Setting Descriptions below.

When you select a setting, the box at the bottom will display some help text for that parameter.  You can drag the window divider above the help text box to change its vertical size. Some of the settings also have a ‘verb’ which is a hyperlink that when clicked will perform some calculation. The verbs appear above the help and only when a selected setting has an associated verb.