Help > User Interface > Elements of the PhotoModeler Screen > Ribbon Toolbar > Ribbon Tabs > File Tab > Backstage > Tutorials >
Tutorials >

Graphical user interface, website

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The browser shows online tutorial content (internet connection required to show online content). Click on the various categories to show application specific tutorial and tip videos, as well as access to tutorial project content. The “Return…” button up top returns the browser to the Overview page. Tutorial and other links open up content in your internet browser.   Clicking on tutorial project links will download project data and open in PhotoModeler.

For example, the Coded Target tutorial shown here:

Graphical user interface, application

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…has a short description of the tutorial, with icons and links below. The icons shown indicate that the tutorial video has a voice-over, and Captioning text option.  When the ‘Play Video’ link is clicked the video will open and stream in user’s internet browser.  Clicking the ‘Open Project’ link will download (if it hasn’t been downloaded before) the associated PhotoModeler project and images zip file, and then open the project in PhotoModeler. Other icons show whether the videos show an old PhotoModeler user interface, or if it’s PhotoModeler Premium specific.  With the cursor over the icon, a short description appears.

Content in these pages will be updated from time to time as more tutorial and other resources become available, and because it is online content, you’ll always be up to date!