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Using Control Points With SmartMatch

Control Points  can be used in a SmartPoints Project (the SmartMatch tool is available only in PhotoModeler Premium) but their use is only recommended for projects that are geometrically weak and where high global accuracy is needed. A weak geometric project is one where the camera positions are extended over a large area and the photo overlaps are small and one dimensional.   A strong project has strong overlap between photos and photos overlap on all sides with other photos (top, bottom, left and right).  Examples of weak geometric projects are: a) a long roadway with a long series of photos just down the middle of the road, and b) a long stone wall around a property where the first and last photos do not overlap.

While control points also put the project into an externally defined coordinate system (or geographic map coordinate system), for strong geometric projects it is recommended to create and run the SmartPoints Project normally, and then use a multi-point transform to obtain the desired coordinate system (see Setting Multi-point Transform and Helmert Transform).

For a weak geometric project being run through SmartMatch, you both manually mark and assign control points on a small subset of photos, and run the SmartMatch process for the remaining photos. The following section describes the steps further.