Help > Working with Imports and Coordinate Systems > Importing and Setting Up Coordinate Systems > Imports and Coordinate Systems Pane > Control Imports > Using Control Points With SmartMatch > Setting up a SmartPoints Project with Control
Setting up a SmartPoints Project with Control

There are two ways to use control points in a SmartPoints Project:

1. Start with a standard or target-based automated project:

        Start a new SmartMatch Project, SmartMatch/DSM Project, SmartMatch/DSM Project (UAV), or an Automated Target Project (non SmartPoints).

        Mark your points (either manually mark points or use target marking for your coded or non-coded targets).

        Import your control and assign control points to the points you marked in step ii. Use the Imports and Coordinate Systems Pane and the Import or Add Coordinate Systems Dialog and select ‘Control the Solution’ to manually add control points or import them from a file.

        Run SmartMatch (on the PhotoModeler Premium ribbon toolbar’s Create Tab next to the Processing button). SmartMatch will mark and match features and orient your photos using the SmartPoints and Control points to form the solution.

2. Start with an Automated Project using SmartMatch:

        Start a new  SmartMatch Project, SmartMatch/DSM Project, SmartMatch/DSM Project (UAV)  using SmartPoints.

        Run the SmartMatch process and orient your photos (not all photos may orient).

        Mark your points (either manually mark points or use target marking for your coded or non-coded targets).

        Import your control and assign control points to the points you marked in step iii.  Use the Imports and Coordinate Systems Pane and the Import or Add Coordinate Systems Dialog and select ‘Control the Solution’ to manually add control points or import them from a file.

        Reprocess the project, ensuring that all photos are to be re-oriented and that the Robust Orientation setting is enabled (see Processing Dialog).