Help > Building a 3D Model > Referencing Tools > Point Audit
Point Audit

Point Audit provides a way to examine specific information about each 3D point in your project.

When you mark a project, you are identifying 2D locations of features on each photograph. When you reference these points you are telling PhotoModeler how to combine these points to form a set of 3D points. Point Audit is a way of checking your work to determine if any of your points are likely to be poorly located in 3D space.

Point Auditing may be performed on all the points in your project at once or on a group of selected points.

To Point Audit all of your points:

        Open all or some of your photographs.

        Select "Point Audit All..." from the ribbon toolbar’s Review Tab.

        Study each point as shown by the yellow highlights and the Point Audit Dialog.

        Press the "Next" button to examine the next 3D Point.  Use the "Prev." button to step backward in the list of 3D Points.

To Point Audit some of your points:

        Open all or some of your photographs.

        Select the points to audit.

        You can use single point select, multiple select or rectangular selection. See Selection and Visibility.

        Select "Point Audit Selected..." from the ribbon toolbar’s Review Tab.

        Study each point as shown by the yellow highlights and the Point Audit Dialog.