Help > Using the Automated Tools > Template Pattern Capture Projects > Digitize New Template Pattern
Digitize New Template Pattern

Once the project has been set up, you’re ready to digitize the template pattern. By this point you should have a solved project and taken the single straight-on photo of the template pattern.

Start a new Template Pattern Capture project and on the Template Pattern Capture Project dialog, select the appropriate Base Project and click the ‘Digitize new template pattern…’ button:

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

You will be prompted to select the top-down photo of the template pattern (if you didn’t have one selected when setting up the project).

If the Automatically Generate Orthophoto option is selected on the Template Pattern Capture Project Dialog, the orthophoto will be generated and it can be used in your other CAD or modeling software for tracing the template pattern.

The templating project opens, with the Template Pattern workspace active (see Workspaces).

The template pattern can now be traced using PhotoModeler’s tracing tools. See Template Pattern Tracing Tools.