Help > Using the Model > Measuring Features > Measurements Pane > Measurement Information
Measurement Information

The information displayed in the Measurements Pane is based on what is currently selected. The following table shows what is displayed:


Items Selected

Information Displayed

1 point

x,y,z and x,y,z precision

2 points

distance between the points and XYZ difference. You can also add measurement dimensions between two points on photos (see Adding Dimensions and Annotations).

3 points

area of the triangle formed by the 3 points

1 line

length of the line and XYZ difference between the line's two end points, angle of intersection between the XY, XZ and YZ planes, and angle of intersection between the X, Y and Z axis.

1 edge

length of the edge and XYZ difference between the edge's two end points, angle of intersection between the XY, XZ and YZ planes, and angle of intersection between the X, Y and Z axis.

2 edges

same as 2 lines

2 lines

4 measurements: sum of line lengths, angle between lines (assuming the lines are extended infinitely, and translated so that they intersect in space, or if the lines share a point the subtended angle is displayed), the closest distance between line segments as they appear in 3D (without extending lines infinitely), the difference in lengths between the lines, and closest distance between lines (as lines extended infinitely in both directions).

3+ lines

sum of line lengths

1 curve

curve length

1 curve (set to circle)

curve length, radius, and centre point XYZ

1 curve & 1 point

closest distance from point to curve

1 surface

surface area, volume above xy plane (see also XY Plane Height Dialog)

2+ surfaces

sum of areas, sum of volumes above xy plane (see also XY Plane Height Dialog)

1 silhouette

volume of solid, area of solid

2+ silhouettes

sum of volumes, sum of areas

1 Bent Tube

Length of tube, User Diameter method (computed or entered value) Mean, Min and Max, with the Standard Deviation of the solved diameter.

1 cylinder

diameter of cylinder, length of cylinder, center line end points, center line vector, angle of intersection between the XY, XZ and YZ planes, and angle of intersection between the X, Y and Z axis. See also Preferences - User Interface or information on disabling any of these measurement items.

2+ cylinders

the center lines are treated as lines above

1 point & 1 line

2 measurements: closest distance from point to line (with the line extended infinitely), and the closest distance between the point and line segment as it appears in 3D (i.e. without extending the line).

1 point & 1 surface

2 measurements: closest distance from point to the infinite plane defined by the Surface (only displays with 3 point surfaces), and closest distance to nearest point of the surface (works for all 3D surfaces).

1 point & 1 plane

3 measurements: closest distance from point to the plane, the projected location of the point onto the plane (the point projects parallel to the plane normal and plane assumed to be infinite), and the closest distance to the infinite plane.

2 points & 1 plane

The ID’s of the points and plane are shown, along with the distance of the furthest point, the distance of the closest point, and the mean distance to plane.

1 plane

The plane normal vector (xyz in project units), 4 bounding points and size of bound plane, along with the volume above and below the XY plane. The bounding points coordinates display can be disabled in Preferences - User Interface. A best fit plane also shows the points closest and farthest from plane and their distances, along with the mean distance to plane.

1 plane & 1 camera station

distance from camera to plane, and the x,y,z location of the camera projected onto the plane along the surface’s normal.

1 plane and a cloud/mesh

volume above and below plane.

1 plane and 1 line

the angle of intersection and intersection point of the (infinite) selected line, and (infinite) plane.

1 point & 1 cylinder

closest distance from point to cylinder center line

any combination of lines and cylinders

the cylinder center lines are treated as lines

1 camera station

the station's xyz perspective center

1 camera station & 1 point

the distance between the station's perspective center and the point and XYZ difference between the point and station's perspective center

2 camera stations

the distance between the stations' perspective centers, XYZ difference between the two stations' perspective centers, and the angle between the two stations.

1 camera station & 1 triangle surface

the closest distance between the station's perspective center and the plane defined by the surface (note, only works with 3 point surfaces)

1 Shape vertex

x,y,z position of the vertex

2 + Shape vertices

distance between the vertices and XYZ difference

1 Shape Edge

length of the edge and XYZ difference between the line's two end points

1 Cloud/Mesh

Bounding Box extents, bounding box center, volume, area, and volume above and below XY plane (see also Measuring Clouds/Meshes and other Volumes and XY Plane Height Dialog), Volume above and below the auto-close pane.  See also Preferences - User Interface for information on disabling any of these measurement items.

2 Cloud/Mesh

The distance between the bounding box centers.

1 Point Cloud sub-point

The sub-point’s XYZ location.

1 Point Cloud sub-point and another object

The distance from the sub-point to the object and delta XYZ.

1 Point and 1 Triangulated Mesh

Distance to nearest point on triangulated mesh and the XYZ position of that nearest point.

Any combination of lines, curves, edges, cylinders, and shape edges

Sum of the lengths.

1 Volume Object

Volume above plane and volume below plane. See Measuring Volume Objects.

2 Plane Surfaces

Angle between plane normals.

2+ Plane Surfaces

Sum of areas, sum of volumes above xy plane (see also XY Plane Height Dialog).

1+ Outline Line, Spline, Polyline

Sum of the lengths.

1 Outline Fillet, Circle, Arc

Length and radius.

2 Outline Circles

The distance between circle centers

Coordinate and distance measurements are shown in the current Project Units (meters, feet, cm, etc.). Areas are shown in units squared and volumes are shown in units cubed. Most of the above measurements should be self explanatory but some items need further clarification: