Help > Building a 3D Model > The Objects That Make Up A Model > Outlines > Outline Properties
Outline Properties

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Properties of Outlines can be viewed in several ways, including the Properties of Selected Dialog, Properties Pane, Tables, and the Status Bars. Also note that the Measurements Pane shows various data about one or more selected Outlines.

The Outline Properties Dialog can be accessed by selecting an Outline (in a photo, table, or 3D view) and using the right-click menu item "Properties of Selected...".  The top of the Properties pane shows the same information when an Outline or Outline Part is selected.

The Properties dialog (or pane) will display information from one or more Outlines. If the information is the same for all selected Outlines, then the information will display. If the information differs, then the field in the dialog will be blank or will say "varies". Even if multiple Outlines are selected a property value can still be modified. When the Apply or OK button is pressed, all the Outlines selected will be changed to that value. The number in brackets shows how many objects have been selected.

An Outline has these properties:

        a unique identifier number called an ID – you can renumber your Outlines using the Renumber Dialog,

        a Surface ID which is the ID of the Outline’s associated surface. Click ‘Select Surface’ verb to select a different surface to associate with the selected Outline.

        a Material, and

        a Layer.


If a part of an Outline is selected (see Outline Parts, Outline Selection), e.g., a Fillet, then its specific properties will be displayed at the bottom of the list. For a Fillet part, its radius property is shown and can be edited here. Click in the radius value field to type in a new radius (and press enter), or pick from the drop-down list.