Help > User Interface > Elements of the PhotoModeler Screen > Ribbon Toolbar > Ribbon Tabs > Tabs in Workspaces > Targets Workspace: > Outlining Tab
Outlining Tab

This tab contains most of the tools used in a typical Outline based project, such as boat decks or other flat panels. These tools are described in the Outlines section in more detail.


        Best Fit Plane from selected

        Other Tools for Planes

        Line – draw an Outline Line

        Arc – draw an Outline Arc   

        Circle – draw an Outline Circle

        Spline – draw an Outline Spline

        Polyline – draw an outline Polyline

        More Tools – access to draw an Outline Ellipse and an Outline Rounded Rectangle

        Radius – set the radius to apply to new fillets, arcs, and circles.

        Fillet – draw the fillet connecting two Outlines

        Interactive Fillet – draw the fillet connecting two Outlines while setting the radius visually with the mouse

        Set Radius – sets the radius of a selected fillet or Circle

        Move, Rotate, Duplicate, and Mirror – modify a selected Outline

        Imports and Coordinates - Opens the Imports and Coordinate Systems Pane.

        Coded Target Presets – see Coded Target Presets