Help > User Interface > Elements of the PhotoModeler Screen > Ribbon Toolbar > Ribbon Tabs > Tabs in Workspaces > SmartMatch Workspace:
SmartMatch Workspace:

This workspace has a SmartMatch project specific ‘Create’ tab, along with a DSM specific tab (in Premium only):


See Multiphoto Workspace where most tools are described.  Only tools specific to this workspace for SmartMatch projects are briefly described here:

        SmartMatch – See SmartPoints Project.  A SmartPoints project can be launched via the New Project Wizard, but if you add photos to an existing SmartPoints project use this tool to rerun the process.

        Auto-detect - The Point Auto-detect Mode tool (only available in PhotoModeler Premium) provides a quick way to model objects.

        Automatic Target Marking – see Automatic Target Marking Dialog

        Idealize - Open the Idealize Project Dialog to set up Idealizing the photos and camera in the project. See also Idealize Project.