Help > Building a 3D Model > Quality Review Points-Based > Project Status Report > Problems and Suggestions
Problems and Suggestions

This node shows various problems identified with your project. These problems and suggestions are separated into two sub categories (three if your project failed processing): Project Problems - problems with your project that are fundamental to your overall project; Problems related to most recent processing - these are problems that were identified in your most recent processing attempt; Processing Failure Problems - this node will only appear if your project failed processing and it shows the most serious problems that could have caused the failure. See also Processing Troubleshooting, Troubleshooting and Verifying the Processing Result.

Some of the problems listed in the report may or may not cause processing to fail. Even if your project processes successfully, problems may be revealed that should be considered if you want to improve the overall quality of your project.  For example, if you are using an uncalibrated camera, the report will alert you to this.  If your project fails to process, more serious problems will be identified which attempt to explain why your project failed. For each problem identified in the report, one or more suggestions for improvement are provided.

One particular type of warning listed has to do with points that have been automatically unreferenced. See the Reference Checker section for more detail. 

Similar to Reference Checker is the feature to automatically unreference high residual points from a project. See Preferences - Processing and Cameras. The feature is only on by default for automatic coded target projects. When a change is automatically made to a project by this feature, the status report will display the point ID(s) and the photo(s) from which the point was unreferenced.