Help > Building a 3D Model > Processing Points-Based > Adjustment and Processing > Processing Troubleshooting
Processing Troubleshooting

If the Processing Finished Dialog appeared during the Orientation or Global Optimization of your project indicating failure (dialog has big red "X"), then you either click "Quit" on the Progress dialog or PhotoModeler could not complete the processing.

In the case of using the "Quit" button on the Progress Dialog, no damage has been done and once you click the "Close" button on the Processing Finished dialog, you will be right back to where you where before you started the processing.

In the case of a PhotoModeler initiated failure some information PhotoModeler is working with is incorrect.  What type of information might be incorrect?

        incorrectly marked points or edges,

        incorrectly referenced points or edges,

        incorrect control point values or incorrectly placed,

        incorrect or poor camera parameters,

        weak or insufficient point placement that leads to an incorrect orientation solution,

        incorrectly defined or conflicting constraints, or

        overly constrained data elements.

To help track down these problems there are a number of tools you can use and study.

        Audit Dialog to see if there are any suggestions or specific details listed that seem incorrect.

        Point Audit Dialog to review points one by one for proper referencing.

        Point Table and Edge Table to review points and edges to see how they are marked and referenced (by using the Photos column and the "W" key to move selections to photos).

        Photo Table to review which camera is assigned to which photo and to see if all the Camera parameters look reasonable.

        Camera Viewer Dialog to review the parameters on individual cameras.

        3D Viewer to check currently oriented Camera Stations to see if they "make sense".

        Photo Properties to temporarily remove one or more Photographs from processing.

        Object Point Properties to temporarily remove one or more Object Points from processing.

        Constraints Dialog and Processing Dialog to turn off some or all constraints during processing.

        Processing Dialog to try just orientation if both stages were being run, or to turn off Constraints if constraints exist in the project.

You may want to follow a more specific set of steps to resolve your processing problems. In that case, visit the section called Troubleshooting Procedure found later on in this document.