Help > Building a 3D Model > Processing Points-Based > Adjustment and Processing > Verifying the Processing Result
Verifying the Processing Result

After a 3D Processing has completed successfully there are a few quick checks you can make to verify the quality of the processing. These are:

        Study the Project Status Report to see if there are any reported problems. Also review the largest residual information.

        Study various indicators on the Graph Report to see if any problems appear graphically, using for example the residual, point type distribution, point quality by photo, connectivity (referencing between subsets of photos).

        View all the photographs (perhaps use an Open All Photos) and turn on Marking Residual Display. If the residual error bars are large see the Troubleshooting section.

        Open up the 3D Viewer and study the shape of the resulting model. Does it look OK?  Is the shape what you expect?

        Also in the 3D Viewer turn on Camera Station display. Verify that the Camera Stations have not moved unexpectedly. They will have moved but if they are now located where you do not expect them to be, there might be a problem.

        The Point Table can be used to display all the solved points and sort by tightness which is another indication of point quality. A low tightness is desired for all points in the project.