Help > Building a 3D Model > Referencing Tools > Referencing Marks > Reference Mode and Pane > Referencing Steps
Referencing Steps

To reference objects across photographs:

You can have multiple photographs open at once, but if you need to open a photo to mark or select additional points, you can open (or close) photos while in referencing mode.

        Start Reference mode by selecting "Reference Mode" on the ribbon toolbar’s Create Tab (Referencing group).

The Reference Control Pane will appear.

        Open the photograph which will act as the source of objects that you will be referencing from, and select the items you wish to reference (selection of items can be done before or after you enter Reference mode).

The source photo will be listed on the Referencing Control pane, along with the number of items selected. The selected objects will become highlighted. A blue outline is painted around the source photo image and the photo window title bar shows that it is the source photo and lists the number of selected items.

        Open the photograph which has the associate unreferenced marks (Marked Points, Edge Marks, Curve Marks, Bent Tube Marks, Cylinder Marks, or Silhouette Marks) that you wish to reference. If they are not marked already, you can mark them while in Reference Mode. If the destination photo is open already, simply move your mouse cursor over it and it becomes active.

You are now ready to select the associate point mark(s) or mark points on the destination photo if not marked already.

PhotoModeler will highlight all marks on this photograph, that have already been referenced to the marks on the source photo.  The first mark  encountered on the source photo, which has not yet been referenced, is highlighted in yellow.  PhotoModeler changes the cursor to indicate what type of object is being referenced (a double  "X" for Marked Point, a double line for Edges, or a double curve for Curves etc.). When referencing points or silhouettes, PhotoModeler also highlights the most likely match using a Reference Helper Highlight color. If the mouse cursor is over a point that has already been referenced, the cursor changes and you are prevented from selecting it.

        If the object that is highlighted in the Source is visible in the destination, click the mouse on it.  If you are referencing a point and it has not yet been marked on this destination, you may mark and reference it simultaneously with one click.

PhotoModeler now knows that this object is the same in both photographs.  PhotoModeler will highlight this mark in yellow, on the destination photo.  PhotoModeler will advance the highlight, on the source Photo, to the next unreferenced mark that is selected.

        If the object that is highlighted in the source is not visible in the current destination, click the right mouse button and pick "Skip Object" in the menu, or press the "Escape" key to move on to the next mark.

PhotoModeler will advance the yellow highlight, to the next unreferenced mark on the source photo.

        Continue the previous step, until all the marks that are highlighted on the source photo and are visible on the destination photograph, have been referenced. 

        Repeat steps 3 through 6 for different destination photographs. Simply move the cursor over any open photo (or open a photo) and the activated photo becomes the destination.

Note 1: To change to a different source photo, click the Clear Source Photo button on the Referencing toolbar to deselect all points. Then simply reselect points in a new photo. This new photo becomes the source photo for referencing.

Note 2: PhotoModeler will not allow a referenced object to appear more than once on a photograph. An attempt to do this will result in a warning message and the reference will not be done. If you think two marks  should be referenced but PhotoModeler will not let you, a mistake has been made. To fix referencing errors see Correcting Referencing Errors.

Note 3: Some referencing preference settings can be found in Preferences - Marking and Referencing including settings for auto-focus photo window, auto-drive, auto-photo-advance etc.