Help > Using the Model > Viewing the 3D model > Tables > Using Camera Station Information
Using Camera Station Information

Sometimes it can be useful to know where the Camera Stations were located and what direction they pointed when the photographs were taken. When PhotoModeler processes a 3D model it also repositions all the Camera Stations. It calculates exactly where the photographs were taken from.

Many rendering programs allow camera positions to be defined in terms of position, target position, twist or roll angle and a focal length. This information can be obtained from PhotoModeler by using various export features, either by exporting the table data directly to a text file (see Print and output Options dialog), or by exporting the model directly to an external program such as Maya (see Export to a CAD or Graphics Program).  This information can be used to do Perspective Matching, that is, matching the perspective of a camera in an animation program (called a CG camera) to a photograph.