Help > Building a 3D Model > Processing Points-Based > Auditing > Audit Dialog > Audit Acceptance
Audit Acceptance

A number of the sub-tabs of the Audit dialog have a column on the right, headed "Acceptable?". It provides feedback from PhotoModeler on what it thinks about the quality of each category. Under "Acceptable?", PhotoModeler places the words "yes", "maybe" or "no". The following table describes what each of these mean:


"Acceptable" Indication




This category is acceptable and it should cause no problems in processing.



This category is marginal and it might cause some problem in processing.



This category is not acceptable and it might lead to a bad 3D model or processing that will fail.


The key for the user is to study how many acceptable indications there are of each type. If you scan down the list and see all "yes" entries, then the processing will most probably succeed and a good 3D model will result. If you scan down the list an see all "no" entries, then the processing will most probably fail and if it does succeed, the resulting 3D model will be very poor and inaccurate. If all entries are "maybe", the processing might succeed but the resulting 3D model will be questionable.

When you see a mixture of indications, it is hard to predict what might happen during processing. It is possible to have all "yes" entries, with one "no" entry, and have the processing fail.

If processing does not succeed or the resulting 3D model is poor, the user should take steps to change the "no" entries to "maybe" or "yes" and to change the "maybe" entries to "yes". The section below, called Fixing Audit Problems, describes how that can be done.

The auditing process changes the project by flagging points and photographs with quality indications. Choosing Cancel will stop the changes from taking place, choosing OK or Process will leave those changes in place.

The following manual sections describe the Audit Dialog tabs in more detail.

Note: the values shown in the Audit Dialog are affected by the Photograph property "do not use". See Processing Action for details.