Help > Importing and Using Photographs > Viewing Photographs > Photo Sets
Photo Sets

A Photo Set is a collection of photographs in a PhotoModeler project.

Photo Sets are especially useful in projects with large numbers of photographs.  Photo Sets are also used in photo-texturing (see Materials Dialog) and Automatic Target Marking

Every project has three default Photo Sets: ‘All’, ‘Oriented’ and ‘Unoriented’. The ‘All’ set contains all photographs in the project. The  ‘Oriented’ set contains all photographs that are oriented and the ‘Unoriented’ set contains all photographs that are not oriented (and hence cannot be used for various operations).

A photograph can belong to any number of Photo Sets.

Outside of the three default sets, the user can create their own Photo Sets in a number of ways:

        By selecting one or more Photo Chips in the Photo List Pane, pressing the right mouse button and selecting the item “Create Photo Set From Selected Photos”. The chips that are selected (have red borders) will be formed into a new set with the name “n:photos” where n is a sequence number starting at ‘1’.

        By selecting one or more Photo Chips in the Photo Table, pressing the right mouse button and selecting the item “Create Photo Set From Selected Photos”. The photograph rows that are selected will be formed into a new set with the name “n:photos” where n is a sequence number starting at ‘1’.

        By selecting one or more objects in any view (3D View, Tables, Photograph), pressing the right mouse button and selecting the item  “Create Photo Set From Photos Showing Selected”. All photographs in the project are searched to see if they have a mark of one of the selected objects. If so that photograph is added to the set. This set has the name “n:selection” where n is a sequence number starting at ‘1’. Note, this is very similar to the “Open Photos Showing Selected” operation but instead of opening all the photos, a Photo Set is created.

        By adding a new Photo set in the Edit Photo Sets Dialog.

The Photo List Pane can be set to show only those photos in a set. These are also set automatically when sets are created by the right click menus. This is helpful to reduce the project to manageable size when there are many photographs.