Help > Building a 3D Model > The Objects That Make Up A Model > Curves > Curve Properties
Curve Properties


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The Curve Properties Dialog can be accessed by selecting a Curve (in a 3D Viewer), or a Curve Mark (in a Photograph) and using the right-click menu item "Properties of Selected...".

The dialog will display information from one or more Curves. If the information is the same for all selected Curves, then the information will appear in the dialog. If the information differs then the field in the dialog will be blank or will say "varies".  Even if multiple Curves are selected a property value can still be modified. When the Apply or OK button is pressed, all the Curves selected will be changed to that value.  The number in brackets shows how many objects have been selected.

A Curve has these properties:

        a unique identifier number called an ID – you can renumber your curves using the Renumber Dialog,

        a type - an "open" curve has a distinct start and end point, a "closed" curve is periodic and has no start or end. A circle is an example "closed" curve,

        a "planar" flag - when set the curve is projected onto the best fit plane so as to make it perfectly flat,

        a “polyline” flag - applies to a ‘curve through points’ type of curve - control whether to fit straight line segments or a continuous curve through the points,

        a "circle" flag - when set the curve is projected onto the best fit plane and then fit to a circle. Closed curves with the circle property have a center point that is visible in 3D and can have lines, surfaces, and curves attached to them (see 3D Viewer Options Dialog, Visibility - Points, Lines, Cameras).

        a “closed” flag – can be set for curve through points, which completes and closes an open curve.

        a “Compute 3D shape” flag - when set the curve will be computed in 3D (if possible). Default is on. Uncheck this to stop a curve from having a 3D representation without getting rid of its marks, etc.

        a smoothness setting - a setting to define how smooth the curve is - used for filtering out bumps and blips caused by inaccuracies in marking, camera parameters, and station orientation. This setting is not required when the curve is a circle,

        a Material, and

        a Layer.

Properties of curves can be viewed using several features in the PhotoModeler user interface, including the Properties of Selected Dialog, Properties Pane, Tables and the Status Bars. Also note that the Measurements Pane shows various data about one or more selected curves.