Help > Building a 3D Model > The Objects That Make Up A Model > Cylinders > Cylinder Properties
Cylinder Properties

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A Cylinder has these properties:

        a unique identifier number called an ID – you can renumber your cylinders using the Renumber Dialog,

        a “Compute 3D shape” flag - when set the cylinder will be computed in 3D (if possible). Default is on. Uncheck this to stop a cylinder from having a 3D representation without getting rid of its marks, etc.

        a Material,

        a Layer,

        3D Viewer extension percent, which is the percentage to extend a line as displayed in the 3D viewer. The extended part of the line will be dashed, and is not added to the length when measurement information is displayed.

Cylinders do not have their own property sheet.

Properties of cylinders can be viewed using several features in the PhotoModeler user interface, including the Properties of Selected Dialog, Properties Pane, Tables and the Status Bars.  Also note that the Measurements Pane shows various data about one or more selected cylinders.